For summer 2020, Make Studio proudly presents the mostly* online exhibition “Now See Hear”. "Now See Hear" is a collection of multi-sensory works, resulting from collaborative interactions and art making by a group of 10 Make Studio artists and guest local artists (and Sondheim applicants). Drawings, songs, collages, poems, paintings, and videos produced by these creative co-conspirators bring all senses into play and into the conversation.
In this year of the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage 19th amendment, and in recognition of the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act on July 26, we celebrate our increased access to representation and power, while knowing that there are still so many votes and voices that are left out. As part of “Now See Hear” we are using art to link voters with resources on how to register, connect with accessible voting supports (e.g., large-print ballots and online voting), and find information about candidates. (During National Disability Voter Registration Week, July 13-17th, be sure to check out concurrent events from our partners at Disability Rights Maryland.)
Featured artwork emerged specifically from five pairs of local women artists:

Erika Clark | Sara Dittrich
Rae Red | Margie Smeller
Liora Ostroff | Katelynn Herty
Gemma Frost | Sarah Clough
Dasha Kalumuck | Jenn McBrien

“Now See Hear” wants to grab the audience by the lapels and make sure they pay due attention to the creative power of women.

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